Green Flight Interreg Project

Project Green Flight optimizes sustainable aviation between European regional airports by forming a network of zero-emission airports and connecting them with a zero-emission aviation operation thus implementing the emission goals for 2050 NOW while re-introducing the joy of traveling to the public.

Project description
Project Green Flight forms a network of fully net zero airports by transforming the partner airport into an independent energy generating plant with the use of solar technology for electricity generation and (liquid) hydrogen gas for energy storage and fuel source.

Project Green Flight uses this network to offer regular passenger transport between all connected members by operating a fully net zero airline. This airline, Karosair, needs to be founded and will use electrical propulsion with low noise pollution.

Project Green Fight demonstrates that net zero traveling can be achieved NOW with the use of smart travel planning software solutions that connect airport capacity, airline capacity and passenger needs. The software solution will be an extension of the Smart Aviation project.

Project Green Flight addresses the current shortcomings of netzero airplanes by optimizing travel time from start to finish and offers an attractive alternative for flexible and cost effective traveling. This approach will certainly make regional airports more attractive and financially more independent and thus reducing the need for public support in the long term.

Partners we are looking for:
+ regional airports that want to revitalize their operation by connecting to a netzero network
+ regional airports that want to convert their operation to net zero
+ suppliers that can deliver the required solar and hydrogen solutions
+ suppliers that can deliver the required aviation technology
+ scientific institutions
+ investors in energy transition
+ investors in (sustainable) aviation industry

Keywords: netzero aviation, energy transition, travel transition, sustainability, high tech, Artificial Intelligence, just in time planning (act now technology), low code software development

More about net zero:

A teaser is available for project green flight with a short description of what we can achieve together.